Upper Sandusky throttle Ridgedale 66-26
UPPER SANDUSKY: Upper Sandusky hosted the struggling Ridgedale Rockets on a snowy Friday night, the Rams were victorious 66-26.
Upper Sandusky came out blazing from the field knocking down shots left and right. Cade Adam’s the sniper from deep knocked down threes the majority of the night.
All his points (12) came from behind the arc. Trent Beamer had a great night, blocking shots and rattiling the rim with two first. The score after the first two periods was 38-8
Both teams came out sluggish in the third quarter. Turnovers and fouls took up the quarter.
Rams only totaled 6 points in the 3rd period as the Rockets notched 3.
The Rams kicked it into high gear during the 4th to put the nail in coffin and move to 9-3 in the northern 10.
Upper Sandusky got off their 3 game skid as well, they host Buckeye Central tomorrow night for another N10 matchup.
Your player of the game brought to you by Quest Federal Credit Union was Gavin Carey who pitched in 16 points along with countless boards.